Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ari Shaffir's Skeptic Tank #35: The Jew, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Moshe Kasher)

Ari Shaffir: I used to think about (Mitch) Hedberg and stuff… why didn’t anyone get him help? Because everyone was doing drugs. They’re like, we’re all doing it…

Moshe Kasher: And its helping Hedberg look cool. Its bad. That’s the bad nature of this beast.

AS: Somebody, that same year in Montreal, somebody they know from here was in the film part and they saw some older, not older older, but like a little older, respected stand up comic and a bunch of people doing coke with him in a bathroom. And just saying, ick, all these comics are trying to do coke with this guy. And he was just like, “Blech.” And just turned around and left.

MK: Yeah, that’s funny, “Dude, I did coke with this guy! Whoa!”

AS: Way to go man, you did it!

MK: Congrats. I see, I don’t know if you see this, with younger comics. I’ve seen this sort of, this thing where they’re trying to become like desperate alcoholics.

AS: Oh yeah, because its cool.

MK: On stage.

AS: Its like, “I want to be Bukowski.” But you’re not one.

MK: They want to affect the kind of…

AS: They’re bragging about pain they don’t have.

MK: The nihilistic blight relationship with society that like Stanhope or Kyle Kinane have.

AS: But they don’t really have it. They’re just sort of trying…

MK: But they will!

AS: Hopefully, if they keep going.

MK: They probably won’t be as funny as Doug and Kyle but they’ll get there. I mean, you can get there. You know, and the other thing is, by the way, Kyle and Stanhope are very successful because they work super hard. It’s a flawed concept. But I just hate when I see some like 24 year old comic like, “I mostly just drink, man, because life fucks…” Get out of here.

AS: You’re just drinking because you’re a fuck up. Or because you’re a frat guy.

MK: You’re angst is fake and you’re alcoholism is fake but soon neither will be fake but you’re career will be non-existent.

AS: Soon you’ll need 5 beers before you get on stage.

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