Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Comedy Corner: Tom Segura

Andrew Wantuck: In your opinion, what takes a good stand-up comedian to the level of great stand-up comedian?

Tom Segura: I think that the great ones all have really defined perspectives. And they are vulnerable to a degree, because if you're not vulnerable, you'll never get to a 'great' level. You can be really good, but you won't be considered great. All the legendary guys have really clear perspective, and I feel like to some degree, open up a lot. I think you have to do that. You also have to OD at least once. And I feel like I got one of those things down.

AW: So then my question to you would be, assuming that you want to get to the level of great, how then are you able to become vulnerable then. What would make Tom Segura vulnerable?

TS: That's a good question. The thing about stand-up is if you really want to learn, you can learn stuff all the time, and I try to do that and I try to find the things I resist talking about, and try to write jokes about it, and the longer I've done it, I've gotten better and better at that. So, I think it's a learning process. But I don't think I would make the equation that I must talk about my family in order to be a great comic. I don't think the family has to be the variable, but I do think you have to be vulnerable, and that doesn't necessarily mean family, it just means you have to be open, and you have to put yourself out there to be really good. And I'm always working towards that, I don't think I've achieved it, but I work towards it.

The Comedy Corner: Tom Segura / The Comedy & Magic Club / by Andrew Wantuck / 7/21/2009

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