Monday, June 4, 2012

The A.V. Club Toronto Interview: Kyle Kinane

AVC: Does bombing still bother you as much these days, or is it almost funny now that you have the career and confidence to know that’s not the universal reaction?

Kyle Kinane: If it’s my fault, because I’m not committing to the story and thinking about other stuff, then I’m pissed off because I’m not fulfilling my end of things. But I mean, last night I did a show with like eight people there, so it’s like, “All right, I guess I’m going to sit here and have a conversation.” Three people sat there forcefully not enjoying themselves. I mean, fuck it; leave. I’m not going to pander. I’m already trying to make the best of an awkward situation. So if you’re going to sit there with your arms folded not having fun, you can go fuck yourself. You have the freedom to choose what to do with your evening. If you’re going to sit there and be pouty with me, I’m just going to ignore you and talk to the people who are at least trying to have a good time. So I didn’t feel bad about that. I felt bad about the fact that there are people in the world that suck.

AVC: Did you address those three people to try and get them involved?

Kyle Kinane: I tried to talk with them for a minute and engage with them. I mean, I wasn’t going to be using a microphone with eight people. I tried to treat it like we were hanging out, but they had this attitude. They were just fucking dickheads. Whatever man. I mean they sat there, what more could I want out of them? If you’re just going to sit there with your feet up acting superior, I got your fucking money, do what you gotta do.

The A.V. Club Toronto Interview: Kyle Kinane / By Phil Brown December 8, 2011

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