Monday, May 21, 2012

Girl on Guy with Aisha Tyler #7: Paul F. Tompkins

Paul F. Tompkins: The first moment that I set foot on the stage, ah, even when we were a team. That first time I set foot on a comedy stage I knew absolutely… this is it. I mean if I had any doubt before. It was like, “Oh no, definitely, this is the rest of my life.”


PFT: There’s so much nerves, its overwhelming. And there’s the tiny bit of self-delusion that you need in order to do it in the first place. Because, I can’t imagine how, um, mildly amusing we were, you know? But in my mind it was, “Oh that went great.” And you need to feel like ‘this went well’, so you keep on doing it, you know? And its also I think that there’s a lot of fear and anxiety that goes into it so any sort of positive response I’m sure is magnified 1000 times. You’re like ‘Wow that was…’

Aisha Tyler: And you have nothing to compare it to so…

PFT: Yeah, you have nothing to compare it to. Absolutely.

AT: I know my first set would have been just like, unacceptable. Let’s just poop that out and send it down the toilet. But at the time, “WOW!”

PFT: I like to think that, uh, that somebody seeing it would have the same reaction that you would have seeing a new comic that is not there yet but obviously there’s something, you know? You know what I mean when you sense somebody like, that was not, they have a long way to go but clearly there’s something in them… You know when they have, they’ll have a couple of jokes that are phrased in a certain way where you realize that this person is meant to do this.

AT: And they’re going to get there even if they’re kind of a hot mess now.

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