Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The A.V. Club Interview: John Leguizamo

Nathan Rabin: Looking at your filmography, you've only really carried one film, The Pest. How did that come about?

John Leguizamo:
I really wanted to make a movie, so my best friend at the time, we wrote a treatment together, and I bet him $1,000 that he couldn't write the screenplay for it. Then he had it written in three days. Maybe that shows a little. And then I wrote a lot of the gags, the opening shower sequence, the tortures, a lot of stuff.

NR: Were you anxious about carrying the entire film yourself?

JL: Yeah. I wasn't really prepared for the amount of responsibility it was going to take. I have a lot more respect for lead actors now that I've been in their shoes. I was like, "Wow." You really have to be on top of everything, and you can't slack on anything. It's not like they just ask you what you want, either. You have to fight for everything. When I'm doing my one-man shows, I just say what it is, and then it is, but in movies, they don't listen to you. They can't, because you're dealing with a corporation.

NR: Can you see yourself starring in another Pest-type movie any time soon?

JL: Yeah. But I'd probably do things a little differently, like not having it be written in three days. You know, maybe it'd be more like a month. A month would be cool. I kinda fucked up.

The A.V. Club Interview: John Leguizamo / By Nathan Rabin / July 25, 2001

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