Monday, April 9, 2012

Charlie Rose: An interview with David Letterman

Charlie Rose: Did it (stand-up comedy -ed) come natural for you?

David Letterman: Ah, more or less, yeah. Like anything else there are some… you have an affinity for something, there’s still many, many things to learn. I can remember the first night I was on stage at The Comedy Store and my first reaction was this bright white light and I thought it was one of those near death tales. I thought, “oh, there’s the white light, I guess I’m coming home Uncle Eddie.”

I can just remember, ah, you can just kind of… there’s something visceral, you can sort of smell the people out there because they’re all just loaded up on watered down drinks, and uh, and all of a sudden it was an out-of-body experience because I could just see myself standing there saying words that I had memorized… to the silence. But still smelling the people. And it was an exhilarating experience. But also a complete failure.

CR: And then when you got the laughs?

DL: Well that night I got no laughs. Got no laughs, ah, but I was happy I that I had done it. I was happy that I had tried it and now maybe I’ll try it again. And like anything else you just make a little progress here and you slip back a little and you continue to make progress. And I knew pretty soon that I was not cut out to be a stand-up comedian. The kind of guy that will take 250 gigs a year… he’s on the road all of the time… he goes to Las Vegas, then he goes to Jupiter, then he goes to Neptune, then he goes to Buffalo, and there are guys like that. And God bless ‘em because these are the guys that can do it. They have an iron constitution.

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